Pink Phoenix is Your Team

A Dragon Boat Team of Fierce Survivor Women

Your River

Pink Phoenix gets the best views on the Willamette .


We are all in each others hearts

Heart in Florence

Oh the places we have been.

2022 IBCPC Regatta New Zealand

Oh the places we will go.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Week Twenty Five - Look Alive !

Boost Your Immune System

by Coach Oden

Here is a healthy way to start your day and to get the nutrients you need to boost your immunity and have radiant, glowing skin. I drink it every morning.

Glowing Green Smoothie

The glowing green smoothie is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, high quality amino acids (which build protein), and countless other phytonutrients that work synergistically to prevent and repair damage in your body and boost rejuvenation. Blending helps your body absorb the maximum amount of nutrition from your greens. Chewing your glowing green smoothie to prevent bloating, and if you have compromised digestion, take digestive enzymes right before drinking it. 

RECIPE (SERVES 4) Ingredients: 

● 7 cups chopped spinach (about a medium bunch) 

● 6 cups chopped romaine lettuce (about 1 small head) 

● 2 cups cold filtered water

● 1½ cups chopped celery (about 2 medium stalks) 

● 1 medium apple, cored and coarsely chopped 

● 1 medium pear, cored and coarsely chopped 

● 1 medium banana, peeled and cut in thirds 

● 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 

● 1⁄2 cup minced fresh cilantro, stems are okay (optional) 

● 1⁄2 cup minced fresh parsley, stems are okay (optional) 


1. Fill the blender with 2 cups of water. 

2. Blend the spinach and romaine until smooth. 

3. Add the celery, apple, pear, and herbs (if using) and blend again until smooth. 

4. Finally, add the lemon juice and banana, and do your last blend. 

5. Pour and eat fresh!

*Try it and let me know what you think!

Find a new way or place to do your Squats

We have been plugging away at our squats. Have you trued a new scenery or a different squat to change it up? I traveled all the way to the Grand Canyon and Zion just to do squats.

Well that's not true but while I was there why not take advantage of the beautiful scenery.

I didn't do squats here but this is a bucket list, the narrows at Zion. Just a bonus picture.

A few more places I did squats, waiting area outside of clinic, park benches, gas stations. rest areas, and at the pub. I know, but I had to get them done before the beer!! Let's have fun with the remainder of squats we have. Like Coach Anita said, four weeks gets you ready for the race. We are a team. Persevere! You got this!

Challenge Participation

by Coach Anita

We are in the third week of the squats & water challenge in which between 40-50 Pinks (and coaches) have chosen to participate. Maybe you didn’t choose to participate - you hate squats, you’re recovering from an injury or procedure, you didn’t feel like you could commit - whatever the reason, it’s valid and acceptable. The activity is voluntary and for fun and fitness. 

I liken participation in this challenge to the choices we have around the boats. You can choose to attend practices or not. Your membership is not predicated on attendance. You can choose to put your name in for a roster or not. However, a choice to take a roster spot requires attendance. This is because choosing to participate impacts more than just you. Choosing to be part of a group means being accountable to the other people who are also choosing to participate. You impact the others by your attendance or lack thereof. 

The squat and water challenge is a simple team activity. The daily goal for a team of four is to complete a total of 600 squats and consume two gallons of water by the sum number of participants in the group. For a four person group, equal division measures out to 150 squats and 64 ounces of water per person. However, there is no requirement that it be divided equally; there are just the stated goals to accomplish. The challenge was set up to last four weeks.

Everyone was provided with the set up and requirements before deciding to participate. The groups were determined by random selection (except the TeamFitness group). All participants needed to communicate daily with their team members about the progress. If someone isn’t able to complete their determined share of the work on a given day, others team members can take up the deficit to meet the goal.  

The challenge was set to last four weeks so that it would indeed be a challenge. Sustaining this activity for four weeks requires commitment, perseverance and teamwork. It is very similar to the timeline for crew practices. And just like with practice, there may be days you simply can’t get the task done because of work, travel, family, fatigue, etc. That’s when communication to your team is important. A commitment to the goal means your team members will step up to fill in the gap because they committed to accomplishing the overall goal. It is also because of the understanding that if they need something, you will step up.  

The challenge is not a competition. It is not judged. The elements of water consumption and squats com

bine health and fitness while connecting people to work toward a common goal. We have heard feedback that while after one week someone could barely sit down, by the second week they said they were no longer sore. Another person started with no squats (she did wall sits) and has progressed to doing 75 squats a day. Great examples of strength development. One participant stated that the focus on water consumption has reduced how much coffee she’s drinking. What you take away from your participation will vary, but your commitment and perseverance will have benefits. Keep going! 

Random Interesting Fun Facts

By Suzanne Frank

1. Humans are the only animals that blush

2. The wood frog can hold his pee for up to eight months

3. You lose up to 30% of your taste buds during an airline flight (elevation reduces the sensitivity of salty and sweet foods and the dryness of the cabin air affects our ability to smell)

4. The Twitter bird's official name in Larry

5. The hat worn by chefs contain 100 folds

6. The M in M&Ms stand for "Mars and Murrie" (Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie the creators of the. candy)

7. Copper door knobs are self-disinfecting

8. Cotton candy was created by a dentist

9. The dot over the lower case j or i is known as a "tittle"

10.Chewing gum boosts concentration ( a study in 2013 found that subjects who chewed gum while taking part in a memory challenge were able to stay focused for longer periods of time then those        who did not chew gum)

11. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland

12. Bees sometimes sting other bees

13. Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature

14. Koalas have fingerprints

15. Apple pie isn't actually American (the first pies were baked in Medieval Europe)

16. Sweat doesn't actually stink (it is the bacteria on your skin that breaks the sweat down that causes the odor)

17. The fire hydrant patent was lost in a fire

18. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia

19. The cast of Friends still earn around $20 million each year from the percentage of the revenue on reruns

20. Crows hold grudges (they have been found to dive down and swarming the person that upset them)

The End Piece

By Coach Pat

I was going to post my favorite squat workouts. I have created some that are equal to our bootcamps. But this piece seemed long enough and random enough already. So look for squat workouts next week. We are heading into our last week of squat challenge and I know everyone who is even participating on the fringe is feeling stronger. Timing taken into account it looks like we will have a one week rest period before starting the next challenge. Yes it will be random teams, no it won't be squats and it won't be 150 of anything.

What I do want to recommend for all of you who aren't street runners and need a cardio workout - get a jumprope. Jumping rope can burn 200-300 calories in 15 minutes. It improves coordination and that plyo part increases bone density. I bought an inexpensive jump rope (speed rope) on Amazon. I feel like I am back in the 3rd grade but it is a great way to get your heart rate up. Let me know if you are game. Maybe there could be a jumprope group. And if your on the older side - your grandchildren will be in awe.

Week Twenty Five - Look Alive !

Boost Your Immune System

by Coach Oden

Here is a healthy way to start your day and to get the nutrients you need to boost your immunity and have radiant, glowing skin. I drink it every morning.

Glowing Green Smoothie

The glowing green smoothie is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, high quality amino acids (which build protein), and countless other phytonutrients that work synergistically to prevent and repair damage in your body and boost rejuvenation. Blending helps your body absorb the maximum amount of nutrition from your greens. Chewing your glowing green smoothie to prevent bloating, and if you have compromised digestion, take digestive enzymes right before drinking it. 

RECIPE (SERVES 4) Ingredients: 

● 7 cups chopped spinach (about a medium bunch) 

● 6 cups chopped romaine lettuce (about 1 small head) 

● 2 cups cold filtered water

● 1½ cups chopped celery (about 2 medium stalks) 

● 1 medium apple, cored and coarsely chopped 

● 1 medium pear, cored and coarsely chopped 

● 1 medium banana, peeled and cut in thirds 

● 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 

● 1⁄2 cup minced fresh cilantro, stems are okay (optional) 

● 1⁄2 cup minced fresh parsley, stems are okay (optional) 


1. Fill the blender with 2 cups of water. 

2. Blend the spinach and romaine until smooth. 

3. Add the celery, apple, pear, and herbs (if using) and blend again until smooth. 

4. Finally, add the lemon juice and banana, and do your last blend. 

5. Pour and eat fresh!

*Try it and let me know what you think!

Find a new way or place to do your Squats

We have been plugging away at our squats. Have you trued a new scenery or a different squat to change it up? I traveled all the way to the Grand Canyon and Zion just to do squats.

Well that's not true but while I was there why not take advantage of the beautiful scenery.

I didn't do squats here but this is a bucket list, the narrows at Zion. Just a bonus picture.

A few more places I did squats, waiting area outside of clinic, park benches, gas stations. rest areas, and at the pub. I know, but I had to get them done before the beer!! Let's have fun with the remainder of squats we have. Like Coach Anita said, four weeks gets you ready for the race. We are a team. Persevere! You got this!

Challenge Participation

by Coach Anita

We are in the third week of the squats & water challenge in which between 40-50 Pinks (and coaches) have chosen to participate. Maybe you didn’t choose to participate - you hate squats, you’re recovering from an injury or procedure, you didn’t feel like you could commit - whatever the reason, it’s valid and acceptable. The activity is voluntary and for fun and fitness. 

I liken participation in this challenge to the choices we have around the boats. You can choose to attend practices or not. Your membership is not predicated on attendance. You can choose to put your name in for a roster or not. However, a choice to take a roster spot requires attendance. This is because choosing to participate impacts more than just you. Choosing to be part of a group means being accountable to the other people who are also choosing to participate. You impact the others by your attendance or lack thereof. 

The squat and water challenge is a simple team activity. The daily goal for a team of four is to complete a total of 600 squats and consume two gallons of water by the sum number of participants in the group. For a four person group, equal division measures out to 150 squats and 64 ounces of water per person. However, there is no requirement that it be divided equally; there are just the stated goals to accomplish. The challenge was set up to last four weeks.

Everyone was provided with the set up and requirements before deciding to participate. The groups were determined by random selection (except the TeamFitness group). All participants needed to communicate daily with their team members about the progress. If someone isn’t able to complete their determined share of the work on a given day, others team members can take up the deficit to meet the goal.  

The challenge was set to last four weeks so that it would indeed be a challenge. Sustaining this activity for four weeks requires commitment, perseverance and teamwork. It is very similar to the timeline for crew practices. And just like with practice, there may be days you simply can’t get the task done because of work, travel, family, fatigue, etc. That’s when communication to your team is important. A commitment to the goal means your team members will step up to fill in the gap because they committed to accomplishing the overall goal. It is also because of the understanding that if they need something, you will step up.  

The challenge is not a competition. It is not judged. The elements of water consumption and squats com

bine health and fitness while connecting people to work toward a common goal. We have heard feedback that while after one week someone could barely sit down, by the second week they said they were no longer sore. Another person started with no squats (she did wall sits) and has progressed to doing 75 squats a day. Great examples of strength development. One participant stated that the focus on water consumption has reduced how much coffee she’s drinking. What you take away from your participation will vary, but your commitment and perseverance will have benefits. Keep going! 

Random Interesting Fun Facts

By Suzanne Frank

1. Humans are the only animals that blush

2. The wood frog can hold his pee for up to eight months

3. You lose up to 30% of your taste buds during an airline flight (elevation reduces the sensitivity of salty and sweet foods and the dryness of the cabin air affects our ability to smell)

4. The Twitter bird's official name in Larry

5. The hat worn by chefs contain 100 folds

6. The M in M&Ms stand for "Mars and Murrie" (Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie the creators of the. candy)

7. Copper door knobs are self-disinfecting

8. Cotton candy was created by a dentist

9. The dot over the lower case j or i is known as a "tittle"

10.Chewing gum boosts concentration ( a study in 2013 found that subjects who chewed gum while taking part in a memory challenge were able to stay focused for longer periods of time then those        who did not chew gum)

11. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland

12. Bees sometimes sting other bees

13. Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature

14. Koalas have fingerprints

15. Apple pie isn't actually American (the first pies were baked in Medieval Europe)

16. Sweat doesn't actually stink (it is the bacteria on your skin that breaks the sweat down that causes the odor)

17. The fire hydrant patent was lost in a fire

18. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia

19. The cast of Friends still earn around $20 million each year from the percentage of the revenue on reruns

20. Crows hold grudges (they have been found to dive down and swarming the person that upset them)

The End Piece

By Coach Pat

I was going to post my favorite squat workouts. I have created some that are equal to our bootcamps. But this piece seemed long enough and random enough already. So look for squat workouts next week. We are heading into our last week of squat challenge and I know everyone who is even participating on the fringe is feeling stronger. Timing taken into account it looks like we will have a one week rest period before starting the next challenge. Yes it will be random teams, no it won't be squats and it won't be 150 of anything.

What I do want to recommend for all of you who aren't street runners and need a cardio workout - get a jumprope. Jumping rope can burn 200-300 calories in 15 minutes. It improves coordination and that plyo part increases bone density. I bought an inexpensive jump rope (speed rope) on Amazon. I feel like I am back in the 3rd grade but it is a great way to get your heart rate up. Let me know if you are game. Maybe there could be a jumprope group. And if your on the older side - your grandchildren will be in awe.

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