Pink Phoenix is Your Team

A Dragon Boat Team of Fierce Survivor Women

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We are all in each others hearts

Heart in Florence

Oh the places we have been.

2022 IBCPC Regatta New Zealand

Oh the places we will go.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Vol. 50 - Dryland Week Nine

Information in this week's blog

  • Dryland call format 
  • Week 9 expectations and workout

Dryland Call Format

The workout begins at 6:30pm. Please log on at least 5 minutes early. If the room isn't open yet you will receive a message indicating the host will let you in, which indicates you're at the right place. 

The call will become live at 6:15pm. 

If you are having trouble accessing the call, please contact VP Lisa O'Malley, at 360-909-1072 or Communications & Technology Coordinator Natalie Gaston at 480-748-7773. 

If you are unable to opt-out of practice on TeamSnap, contact Practice Coordinator Sandy Moore at 503-708-7929. 

Week 9 Expectations

This is the third of our four week maximum strength workout series and it will be our highest load week. 

We are increasing the resistance to 80% of your 1-rep maximum (1RM) and performing 3 reps. We'll perform 5 sets. 

This level of resistance should feel do-able for 3 reps during the first or second set. By the fourth and fifth set, you should be feeling some muscle fatigue. The amount of weight is not that far from your 1RM. For example, if your 1RM for a bicep curl is 15 pounds, 80% of your 1RM is 12 pounds.

Consider what you are using for resistance. The club provided everyone with straight bands and loops, which are great tools. If you need additional items to increase the resistance, please add them to the bands and loops rather replace them. Bands provide additional resistance that free weights do not.   

The cardio portion of our workout will start off the same as last week with a side to side movement and then a forward knee lifting movement for a total of 8 minutes. The between sets move will be a gentle grapevine or side-to-side toe taps. Keep the intensity down around 70% of your maximum heart rate. That means it might be a lot less moving than you've been doing. We will wrap up with the 90 second moves for a total of 9 minutes where you should also aim for movement that keeps you around 70% of your maximum heart rate - no huffing and puffing. You should be able to speak a complete sentence while you are working. 

I really appreciated Meg Kilmer's sharing about her experience with the team and some of the challenges she's felt during dryland. I would like to continue this "Member Moment" and will be asking different individuals to take 45-60 seconds to share their history with the team and where they are at with the workouts - challenges, accomplishments, frustrations, revelations. I think knowing you're not alone in how you are feeling can be empowering to seeing how you actually fit in just perfectly. 

Feel free to drop me an email if you are interested in being asked :-) 

Click here to print the workout.

Cardio - 2x4 minage 30s- 20-25
70-80% MHR40s- 19-24
2 minutes per exercise; complete 2x
50s- 18-23
1. Skaters with hop or lateral shuffle or grapevines
60s- 17-22
2. Mt climbers or high knees or marching
70s- 16-21
80s- 15-19
Warm up stretches ~2 minutes
Y-T-W - 5 roundsUse the lower numbers in the range the older you are in the decade.
Cross body - 12 each side & middle
Use a 3 pt spread for your 70-80% (e.g. 50 yr old use 20-23; 59 yr old use 18-21)
Side stretches - alternating for 20 total
ExercisesRepsEquipmentOptions for Resistance
This is performed as a circuit. This means you perform an exercise for 3 reps then move onto the next exercise. When all of the exercises are completed, that's one set.
5 sets of 3 reps @80% of the maximum amount you can lift in the exercise
Straight bandInstead use weights or jugs of water
Seated Body RowsStraight bandAdd weights to use with band
Chest PressStraight bandInstead use weights, jugs of water or cans
Scapular RetractionStraight band or loopN/A
Front RaisesStraight bandInstead use weights or jugs of water
Elevated Crunches25 repsStraight band or loopAdd weight onto upper abdomin
Spiders10 reps each sideNoneN/A
Cardio1 min after each circuit
Grapevines or side-to-side toe taps
Cardio - 3x3 min
70-80% MHR
90 seconds per exercise; complete 3x
1. Inchworm, alt straight leg toe touches, or walking toe touches
2. Marching, high knees or jumping rope
Cool down stretches
~ 5 min
Standing quad stretch
Standing hamstring stretch
Arm across chest - deltoids
Window sill stretch - lats/upper back
Door jamb stretch - pecs
Standing side stretches

Hip Openers 

with Pat

Some of our hips talk to us a lot.  Regardless of why you are uncomfortable, hip openers or stretches can help. You can see me catching a childs pose after we do our spider planks.  Even though the spider plank actually is a hip stretcher and increases range of motion.   I would like to share with you an article that goes through 15 hip openers that are yoga poses you may already know.   I like this article, not just for the poses but for the tips on how to align your body so you get the correct result.  You can pick and choose a few poses to work on and do these after our workouts or any time your body is warm.

There is a video in this article.  But if you are beginning or like me always tight you might prefer this other video. It is only 8 minutes and once you see the exercises you could flow through them on your own,  getting rid of 3 minutes of instruction. 

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