Pink Phoenix is Your Team

A Dragon Boat Team of Fierce Survivor Women

Your River

Pink Phoenix gets the best views on the Willamette .


We are all in each others hearts

Heart in Florence

Oh the places we have been.

2022 IBCPC Regatta New Zealand

Oh the places we will go.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Vol. 65 - Stuck on Land Again


Information in this Edition

Dryland Playlist to Keep your strength
Making a Card Deck Workout as a Supplement
Sneak Peek into Next week

Using the Dryland Workouts 

by Pat

We will all be missing practice this coming week. Did you know that two weeks of missed workouts will diminish your strength? So ,how can we keep our bodies ready to paddle ? Use the Dryland Videos for this. Dryland training was designed to build strength in specific areas to get ready to paddle.

Dryland Playlist

Create Your Own Workout With a Deck of Cards:

with Coach Pat

On alternate days you will need something else to keep you moving . I took this from last summer's blog.

You can create any type of workout using a deck of cards and a handful of exercises. In this workout we used eight exercises with a strengthening focus. But I recall it was also very cardio centric.

Each suit is an exercise, the face value of the card is how many reps you do. Each face card has it's own exercise which will be done for 30 seconds.

Unlike our fixed exercise sets, what exercise comes next is a surprise. Go from each exercise to the next without delay. For this workout you will need something stable to do your tricep dips, a chair or bench against the wall. You might want to add weight to the Sumo Squats is you have them.

This weeks workout : Diamonds: Tricep Dips Clubs: Sumo Squats Hearts: Curtsy Lunges (for time each leg is one rep) Spades: Jumping Jacks

Jacks: 30 second plank Queens: 30 second wall sit Kings: Split side planks 15 seconds each side Aces: 30 seconds alternating bird dog

You can modify to lower or increase intensity on any exercise. Keep in mind that doing an exercise in good form is more important than the level of difficulty. You can also use the face cards as number of reps. Use jokers for a 5th exercise.

For instance:

Diamonds: Pushups Clubs: Jump squats Hearts: Shoulder Press Spades: Oblique Crunches Standing Jokers: 1 minute skaters or mountain climbers

Have Fun !

Next Week -  Sneek Peek 
Technique for Finding Our Power

As a paddler I am always looking for more power in my stroke.  In a dragon boat you don't have a direct measure but you can feel the change of effort when you make small differences to your stroke.  

Next week Anita will show you how to get 'on top' of your blade for more power.  We will start to talk about weight distribution and the difference between putting your weight outside the boat and leaning out of the boat.   

I'm so excited about this, we all need to revisit this technique boost every year. 

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