Pink Phoenix is Your Team

A Dragon Boat Team of Fierce Survivor Women

Your River

Pink Phoenix gets the best views on the Willamette .


We are all in each others hearts

Heart in Florence

Oh the places we have been.

2022 IBCPC Regatta New Zealand

Oh the places we will go.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Week Twenty Two - Nero Fiddled


How to Decide Between Strength Training and Cardio Work

by Coach Anita

Given the air quality in the Portland metro area, you may decide that no amount of exercise is appropriate for you. A few days off is not going to undo everything you’ve achieved. Consider the following information for when it is appropriate for you to be active. 

Deciding whether you want to focus your workout on cardio versus strength training depends upon a number of factors.

Are you training for a race? Go for cardio.

Whether it’s a walking, running, paddling or cycling event, you need to train in the method you are going to race. In addition, when you aren’t able to train how you will race, training the body to respond to the stresses it will experience on race day will enable it to better perform.

Do you want to burn more body fat? Go for strength training.

Are you surprised the answer isn’t cardio? Cardio burns calories and can help with short-term weight loss but strength training has been proven to best support long term fat less. The reason is that strength training builds muscle which improves metabolism which in turns helps you become leaner over time.

Are you trying to get stronger and build muscle? Go for strength training.

While cardio activities like running and cycling build leg muscles, it can only go so far. For muscle development there needs to be stress placed upon the body. Body weight can only apply so much resistance. With strength training you progressively overload your body which causes your muscles to respond by growing bigger. 

Are you trying to de-stress? Go for cardio but keep it light.

Choose a lower intensity pace or activity and keep your heart rate moderate. Low intensity cardio, which doesn’t require much concentration or effort, can help the body move into a rest and relax state while burning off built up anxiety and stress.

Finding exercise types that you enjoy will help you to stay active and healthy. Listen to your body when you’re determining what type of work you’re going to do and don’t be afraid to modify your training plans. Plans are great for helping us reach goals but should remain flexible to your individual needs of a given day, situation or mood.  

Tips on Staying Hydrated While Wearing a Face Mask

By Suzanne Frank

In previous articles I have discussed the importance of staying hydrated. I wanted to review a few facts as well as provide some tips for staying hydrated especially if you have to wear a face mask several hours a day.
Dehydration can lead to:

  • Feeling sluggish or lethargic
  • An inability to concentrate
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
If you are thirsty, chances are you are already dehydrated.
The general rule of thumb is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day but this depends on medical conditions, activity and even the climate.It can be difficult to drink water while you work especially if you are wearing a mask. It can also be difficult if you are not currently working but are involved in doing other things.
If you are wearing a mask here is the recommended way to reuse your mask before and after eating/drinking:
1. Before removing your mask, clean your hands.
2. Remove the mask using the ear loops.
3. Fold the mask in half, so that the outside surfaces are touching each other.
4. Place it in a clean storage area/bag. If you are using a paper bag seal the bag. If you are using a plastic baggie leave the bag open.
5. Perform hand hygiene.
6. To reapply the mask, first perform hand hygiene, then open the mask storage bag.
7. Grasp the mask by the elastic ear loops to remove it from the bag, then look to see where the outside of the mask is.
8. Use the ear loops to put the mask on and tuck it under your chin (ensuring that you have the inside of the mask next to your face). Secure it to your face at the bridge of your nose. Perform hand hygiene to stay safe and healthy.
Drinking water on your breaks and at lunch is not enough to stay hydrated. Here are some strategies for getting more water (hydration) on or off the job.
  • Time it out-Set your watch or phone timer to go off every 2 hours. Walk to your break room, kitchen or if you can have water bottle and take a several sips or even a big drink of water.
  • Know what you like- Some people like ice cold water others like room temperature. Knowing how you prefer water may help you drink more.
  • Dress it up-If plain water doesn’t do it for you, try adding fruit, herbs or slices of veggies in your glass. You can also try sparkling types of water.
  • Eat fresh fruit- Water rich foods like watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes can also help with hydration.
  • Limit salty and fried foods- these types of foods can lead to dehydration.
  • Don’t forget electrolytes- If you are working in a faced paced environment, out in hot weather and involved in strenuous exercise make sure you are replenishing electrolytes.
  • What about the bathroom? - If you don’t have time to go to the bathroom or drink water, you don’t have time for yourself. This is a cultural mindset we need to shift in order to stay healthy.


Coach Oden's Corner 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day weekend and are staying safe and breathing well. We are getting back into our fitness blog with a challenge that everybody can join in. So far, we have 20+ signed up to join in the challenge.

Here are the details: You will be placed in random teams of four to meet daily challenges for a week. You’ll have two goals as a team:

  • 600 squats a day for your physical requirement

  • drink 2 gallons of water as your nutrition requirement. 

    (this equates to an average of 150 squats per person and 8 glasses of 8 oz). 

As a team, you need to connect, talk daily, meet your requirements, and report it as a team. 

For example: If someone got behind one day and only got 100 squats (which by the way you can break up throughout the day) then someone else can make up for your miss. Same for the water, but really you should be betting 8 glass in a day yourself. But we all get behind and we all get in a bind. So, you need to work as a team to meet your daily requirements. 

Here are some ideas on different types of squats you can do to switch it up each day or within your 150: 

  1. Regular squats

  2. Jump squats

  3. Wall squats

  4. Squats with a ball

  5. TRX squats

  6. Power Squats

  7. Single leg squats

  8. Deficit squats (below 90)

  9. Sumo squats

  10. Squats with a weight

  11. Front loaded squats

  12. Back loaded squats

  13. Overhead squats

  14. Assisted squats (holding onto a chair)

  15. If you have your own idea of a squat, use your discretion. It’s up to you and your team. You do not have to report what kind of squats you are doing, just that you are meeting the requirement. 

Your fitness corner crew will be joining you in this challenge and reporting right along with you. 

Each week that your team meets the challenge, your names will be put into the drawing. At the end of the 4-weeks, one team will be chosen from the drawing for each team member to win one personal training session with your very own Coach Oden. Details to be discussed individually once selected. 

I realize four weeks is a long time, but really, we can all use more water and squats… well you gotta say, it’s better than burpees. Wouldn’t you agree? … You’re welcome. 

We are all excited to walk along with you all in this challenge. Here’s a caveat to my team - I will be gone for a week traveling during this challenge. I’ll have to discuss ahead with my team on how we as a team will meet the criteria when I’m gone. It’s going to take communication ahead of time to plan it out. Who knows, there might be a couple hidden prizes along the way. 

.... Coach Oden and your fitness corner team

Looking Ahead

By Paddler Pat 

When TitleIX passed in 1972 I was a junior in college. I was active but never had the experience of being on an organized sports team after the start of high school. Fast forward to 40ish. I had been coaching youth soccer for a while and realized my twitch reflexes wanted to play, not just to coach. So at the advanced age of 40 something I entered the community of team sports, playing on both women's and co-ed soccer teams, indoor and out. At 50 I landed into the sport of dragon boat racing as a breast cancer survivor. 

In the last 6 months most of us have filled the time we have spent training on the water with individual exercise, supporting others and getting together in small groups for activities. All good things. Certainly we can find some happiness in the change of pace. 
I am looking forward to being on the water with “my” team. And this makes me reflect on why team sports are so important. All of the reasons girls should participate in sports apply to grown women as well.  

The benefits of sports activity are obvious to us. The fitness perks many, as we know. Exercise improves learning ability, memory and concentration. It’s good for your bones and reduces the chance of breast cancer recurrence. The social and emotional benefit is also tangible.

Team sports bring additional benefit : 

  • You can get the physical benefits of sports or exercise individually. For many, joining a team increases the incentive because your teammates and coaches are depending upon you. This extra accountability keeps you ‘showing up’.

  • Team sports lend to developing teamwork and goal-setting skills. Working with teammates and coaches to meet goals is practice for success in other aspects of life.  Your ‘team player’ mindset will make it easier to work with others and solve problems in all other aspects of life.

  • Playing a sport actually improves self confidence. Beyond getting in shape, realizing skill improvement and attainment of goals goes a long way off the water.

  • Exercise is great to relieve stress and lift your mood.Better on a team where your teammates are supporting you on and off the boat.  

I hope you take a minute to reflect on your sports journey. You may decide that joining Pink Phoenix has been one of your most positive decisions. We are different right now, but we will be back together so keep looking ahead.
...see you on the water

Week Twenty Two - Nero Fiddled


How to Decide Between Strength Training and Cardio Work

by Coach Anita

Given the air quality in the Portland metro area, you may decide that no amount of exercise is appropriate for you. A few days off is not going to undo everything you’ve achieved. Consider the following information for when it is appropriate for you to be active. 

Deciding whether you want to focus your workout on cardio versus strength training depends upon a number of factors.

Are you training for a race? Go for cardio.

Whether it’s a walking, running, paddling or cycling event, you need to train in the method you are going to race. In addition, when you aren’t able to train how you will race, training the body to respond to the stresses it will experience on race day will enable it to better perform.

Do you want to burn more body fat? Go for strength training.

Are you surprised the answer isn’t cardio? Cardio burns calories and can help with short-term weight loss but strength training has been proven to best support long term fat less. The reason is that strength training builds muscle which improves metabolism which in turns helps you become leaner over time.

Are you trying to get stronger and build muscle? Go for strength training.

While cardio activities like running and cycling build leg muscles, it can only go so far. For muscle development there needs to be stress placed upon the body. Body weight can only apply so much resistance. With strength training you progressively overload your body which causes your muscles to respond by growing bigger. 

Are you trying to de-stress? Go for cardio but keep it light.

Choose a lower intensity pace or activity and keep your heart rate moderate. Low intensity cardio, which doesn’t require much concentration or effort, can help the body move into a rest and relax state while burning off built up anxiety and stress.

Finding exercise types that you enjoy will help you to stay active and healthy. Listen to your body when you’re determining what type of work you’re going to do and don’t be afraid to modify your training plans. Plans are great for helping us reach goals but should remain flexible to your individual needs of a given day, situation or mood.  

Tips on Staying Hydrated While Wearing a Face Mask

By Suzanne Frank

In previous articles I have discussed the importance of staying hydrated. I wanted to review a few facts as well as provide some tips for staying hydrated especially if you have to wear a face mask several hours a day.
Dehydration can lead to:

  • Feeling sluggish or lethargic
  • An inability to concentrate
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
If you are thirsty, chances are you are already dehydrated.
The general rule of thumb is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day but this depends on medical conditions, activity and even the climate.It can be difficult to drink water while you work especially if you are wearing a mask. It can also be difficult if you are not currently working but are involved in doing other things.
If you are wearing a mask here is the recommended way to reuse your mask before and after eating/drinking:
1. Before removing your mask, clean your hands.
2. Remove the mask using the ear loops.
3. Fold the mask in half, so that the outside surfaces are touching each other.
4. Place it in a clean storage area/bag. If you are using a paper bag seal the bag. If you are using a plastic baggie leave the bag open.
5. Perform hand hygiene.
6. To reapply the mask, first perform hand hygiene, then open the mask storage bag.
7. Grasp the mask by the elastic ear loops to remove it from the bag, then look to see where the outside of the mask is.
8. Use the ear loops to put the mask on and tuck it under your chin (ensuring that you have the inside of the mask next to your face). Secure it to your face at the bridge of your nose. Perform hand hygiene to stay safe and healthy.
Drinking water on your breaks and at lunch is not enough to stay hydrated. Here are some strategies for getting more water (hydration) on or off the job.
  • Time it out-Set your watch or phone timer to go off every 2 hours. Walk to your break room, kitchen or if you can have water bottle and take a several sips or even a big drink of water.
  • Know what you like- Some people like ice cold water others like room temperature. Knowing how you prefer water may help you drink more.
  • Dress it up-If plain water doesn’t do it for you, try adding fruit, herbs or slices of veggies in your glass. You can also try sparkling types of water.
  • Eat fresh fruit- Water rich foods like watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes can also help with hydration.
  • Limit salty and fried foods- these types of foods can lead to dehydration.
  • Don’t forget electrolytes- If you are working in a faced paced environment, out in hot weather and involved in strenuous exercise make sure you are replenishing electrolytes.
  • What about the bathroom? - If you don’t have time to go to the bathroom or drink water, you don’t have time for yourself. This is a cultural mindset we need to shift in order to stay healthy.


Coach Oden's Corner 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day weekend and are staying safe and breathing well. We are getting back into our fitness blog with a challenge that everybody can join in. So far, we have 20+ signed up to join in the challenge.

Here are the details: You will be placed in random teams of four to meet daily challenges for a week. You’ll have two goals as a team:

  • 600 squats a day for your physical requirement

  • drink 2 gallons of water as your nutrition requirement. 

    (this equates to an average of 150 squats per person and 8 glasses of 8 oz). 

As a team, you need to connect, talk daily, meet your requirements, and report it as a team. 

For example: If someone got behind one day and only got 100 squats (which by the way you can break up throughout the day) then someone else can make up for your miss. Same for the water, but really you should be betting 8 glass in a day yourself. But we all get behind and we all get in a bind. So, you need to work as a team to meet your daily requirements. 

Here are some ideas on different types of squats you can do to switch it up each day or within your 150: 

  1. Regular squats

  2. Jump squats

  3. Wall squats

  4. Squats with a ball

  5. TRX squats

  6. Power Squats

  7. Single leg squats

  8. Deficit squats (below 90)

  9. Sumo squats

  10. Squats with a weight

  11. Front loaded squats

  12. Back loaded squats

  13. Overhead squats

  14. Assisted squats (holding onto a chair)

  15. If you have your own idea of a squat, use your discretion. It’s up to you and your team. You do not have to report what kind of squats you are doing, just that you are meeting the requirement. 

Your fitness corner crew will be joining you in this challenge and reporting right along with you. 

Each week that your team meets the challenge, your names will be put into the drawing. At the end of the 4-weeks, one team will be chosen from the drawing for each team member to win one personal training session with your very own Coach Oden. Details to be discussed individually once selected. 

I realize four weeks is a long time, but really, we can all use more water and squats… well you gotta say, it’s better than burpees. Wouldn’t you agree? … You’re welcome. 

We are all excited to walk along with you all in this challenge. Here’s a caveat to my team - I will be gone for a week traveling during this challenge. I’ll have to discuss ahead with my team on how we as a team will meet the criteria when I’m gone. It’s going to take communication ahead of time to plan it out. Who knows, there might be a couple hidden prizes along the way. 

.... Coach Oden and your fitness corner team

Looking Ahead

By Paddler Pat 

When TitleIX passed in 1972 I was a junior in college. I was active but never had the experience of being on an organized sports team after the start of high school. Fast forward to 40ish. I had been coaching youth soccer for a while and realized my twitch reflexes wanted to play, not just to coach. So at the advanced age of 40 something I entered the community of team sports, playing on both women's and co-ed soccer teams, indoor and out. At 50 I landed into the sport of dragon boat racing as a breast cancer survivor. 

In the last 6 months most of us have filled the time we have spent training on the water with individual exercise, supporting others and getting together in small groups for activities. All good things. Certainly we can find some happiness in the change of pace. 
I am looking forward to being on the water with “my” team. And this makes me reflect on why team sports are so important. All of the reasons girls should participate in sports apply to grown women as well.  

The benefits of sports activity are obvious to us. The fitness perks many, as we know. Exercise improves learning ability, memory and concentration. It’s good for your bones and reduces the chance of breast cancer recurrence. The social and emotional benefit is also tangible.

Team sports bring additional benefit : 

  • You can get the physical benefits of sports or exercise individually. For many, joining a team increases the incentive because your teammates and coaches are depending upon you. This extra accountability keeps you ‘showing up’.

  • Team sports lend to developing teamwork and goal-setting skills. Working with teammates and coaches to meet goals is practice for success in other aspects of life.  Your ‘team player’ mindset will make it easier to work with others and solve problems in all other aspects of life.

  • Playing a sport actually improves self confidence. Beyond getting in shape, realizing skill improvement and attainment of goals goes a long way off the water.

  • Exercise is great to relieve stress and lift your mood.Better on a team where your teammates are supporting you on and off the boat.  

I hope you take a minute to reflect on your sports journey. You may decide that joining Pink Phoenix has been one of your most positive decisions. We are different right now, but we will be back together so keep looking ahead.
...see you on the water

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