Sunday, June 13, 2021

Vol. 56 - Dryland Week Fifteen

Information in this week's blog

  • Practice availability communication
  • Week 15 workout information

Practice Availability

Opt-IN to practice on TeamSnap. Your attendance is no longer assumed. 

Join the dryland workout with this address:

The workout begins at 6:30pm. Please be logged on at least 10 minutes early.  If you are not well versed in using Zoom the call is live at 6:15 pm and we suggest you get on the call early and once you are set you can leave the call going.

Once the workout starts everyone is working out and not answering their phone. 

Week 15 Workout Information

We likely only have a few more weeks before we're going to be on the water. Keep up your cardio work and recognize the value of repetitive resistance training. You'll see a difference when you get on the boat. 

This week's resistance level is 55% so you should be feeling it given we're doing 5 sets of 6 reps per exercise, and repeating it a total of 3 times.

Push yourself to execute explosive movements with great form every time. Pay attention to which muscles are the target of the exercise to ensure that's the muscle or muscle group you're using in the move. 

Click here to print the workout.

MAX HEART RATE RANGES - 10 sec count
Cardio - 2x 4minage 30s- 20-25
75-80% MHR40s- 19-24
1 min per exercise; complete 2x1. Skaters with hop, lateral shuffle or grapevines50s- 18-23
2. Inchworm, alt straight leg toe touches or walking toe touches60s- 17-22
3. Spider mt climbers, high knees or jump rope70s- 16-21
4. Squat or jumping jacks, or sit-stands80s- 15-19
Warm up stretches
Y-T-W - 5 rounds
Use the lower numbers in the range the older you are in the decade.
Cross body - 12 each side & middle
Use a 3 pt spread for your 70-80% (e.g. 50 yr old use 20-23; 59 yr old use 18-21)
Side stretches - alternating for 20 total
Perform an exercise for 6 reps, take a quick break, repeat 2 more times, then move onto the next exercise. When all of the exercises are completed in this manner, that's 1 of the 3 sets.
Thrusters w/Band
3 sets (5x6 reps @55% 1RM)
Seated Body Rows
Boxing w/Band (reps per side)
Scapular Retraction
Standing Oblique Crunches (reps per side)25 reps
Cool down stretches
Standing quad stretch
Standing hamstring stretch
Arm across chest - deltoids
Window sill stretch - lats/upper back
Door jamb stretch - pecs
Standing side stretches


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