Monday, April 19, 2021

Vol. 49 - Dryland Week Eight


Information in this week's blog

  • Dryland call format 
  • Week 8 expectations and workout
  • Odds and ends

Dryland Call Format

The workout begins at 6:30pm. Please log on at least 5 minutes early. If the room isn't open yet you will receive a message indicating the host will let you in, which indicates you're at the right place. 

The call will become live at 6:15pm. 

If you are having trouble accessing the call, please contact VP Lisa O'Malley, at 360-909-1072 or Communications & Technology Coordinator Natalie Gaston at 480-748-7773. 

If you are unable to opt-out of practice on TeamSnap, contact Practice Coordinator Sandy Moore at 503-708-7929. 

Week 8 Expectations

We are starting the second of our 4 week maximum strength workouts. Last week we worked at a medium load level: resistance was 75% of your one rep maximum and the volume was 4 sets of 3 reps. This week we are in a high load level. That means that we are keeping the same level of resistance - 75% of your one rep max - are increasing the volume to 4 sets of 4 reps.    

If you need guidance on how to establish 75% of your one rep max, refer back to Coach Oden's explanation in the last blog post. 

We are continuing with the 8 minute cardio warm up and 9 minute cardio finish. Please remember you are working out for you. Don't worry what anyone else is doing - you do you. By now you hopefully know what it feels like to work at 70% and 80% of your maximum heart rate. Use the numbers below and the ranges as a guide. While 70-80% is working, it's not a level where you are panting. Stay within your range and recognize the difference between feeling fatigued and feeling like your heart is racing. The more you do this the less fatigue you will feel. You have become better conditioned as a result of this cardio work. Keep it up!  

Click here to print the workout

Cardio - 2x4 minage 30s- 20-25
70-80% MHR40s- 19-24
2 minutes per exercise; complete 2x
50s- 18-23
1. Skaters with hop or lateral shuffle or grapevines
60s- 17-22
2. Mt climbers or high knees or marching
70s- 16-21
80s- 15-19
Warm up stretches ~2 minutes
Y-T-W - 5 roundsUse the lower numbers in the range the older you are in the decade.
Cross body - 12 each side & middle
Use a 3 pt spread for your 70-80% (e.g. 50 yr old use 20-23; 59 yr old use 18-21)
Side stretches - alternating for 20 total
ExercisesRepsEquipmentOptions for Resistance
This is performed as a circuit. This means you perform an exercise for 4 reps then move onto the next exercise. When all of the exercises are completed, that's one set.
4 sets of 4 reps @75% of the maximum amount you can lift in the exercise
Straight bandInstead use weights or jugs of water
Seated Body RowsStraight bandAdd weights to use with band
Chest PressStraight bandInstead use weights, jugs of water or cans
Scapular RetractionStraight band or loopN/A
Front RaisesStraight bandInstead use weights or jugs of water
Elevated Crunches22 repsStraight band or loopAdd weight onto upper abdomin
Spiders9 reps each sideNoneN/A
Cardio1 min after each circuit
1 - Jumping rope or marching
2 - Inchworm or alternating straight leg toe touches
3 - Standing side crunches
Cardio - 3x3 min
70-80% MHR
90 seconds per exercise; complete 3x
1. Standing side crunches
2. Inchworm, alt straight leg toe touches or walking toe touches
Cool down stretches
~ 5 min
Standing quad stretch
Standing hamstring stretch
Arm across chest - deltoids
Window sill stretch - lats/upper back
Door jamb stretch - pecs
Standing side stretches

Odd and Ends

It is normal to feel some soreness after starting a new workout routine. Changing things up keeps your body from becoming complacent and fosters growth and development. You likely felt better after Wednesday and Saturday's workout than you did after Monday's workout. That's because you have become more accustomed to it in just that short amount of time. 

Remember, everyone is at their own point regarding these workouts. Some of you have not done much coordinated exercise while others have a lot of experience. It doesn't matter one bit.

What matters is that you are showing up and participating. 

Haven't made it to dryland? While there are myriad reasons why some of you haven't been attending (e.g. work conflicts, family needs, health restrictions), if you are able, please know it's never too late to join.  


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