Sunday, March 7, 2021

Vol. 43 - Dryland Training Week 2

Information in this week's blog

  • Dryland call format 
  • Week 2 exercises
  • Fitness Assessment information & form

Dryland Call Format

The workout begins at 6:30pm. Please log on at least 5 minutes early. You can log on as early as you like. If the room isn't open yet you will receive a message indicating the host will let you in, which indicates you're at the right place. 

The call will become live at 6:15pm. You can log on early and remain on mute and turn off your video while waiting. 

If you are having trouble accessing the call, please contact VP Lisa O'Malley, at 360-909-1072 or Communications & Technology Coordinator Natalie Gaston at 480-748-7773. If you are unable to opt-out of practice on TeamSnap, contact Practice Coordinator Sandy Moore (503-708-7929). Coaches are not be able to respond to inquiries after 6:15pm.

Coaches will be on the call at 6:15pm and remain after the workout for 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion.

We will gather for a cheer before we start, and conclude our three breaths. We will take time for announcements after the workout.

Week 2 Exercises

We will be building upon our first week's success by increasing the load by adding another set to the exercises. 

The links next to the exercises below are to videos demonstrating the exercises. Please take a moment to see proper form as well as how to use the loops and band. Consider printing out the workout so you can follow along and streamline movement between exercises and cardio activities.    

Click here to print out the workout

Cardio - 10 minage 30s- 20-2560s- 17-22
70-80% MHR40s- 19-2470s- 16-21
50s- 18-2380s- 15-19
Use the lower numbers in the range the older you are in the decade.
1 min per exercise; repeat
Use a 3 pt spread for your 70-80% (e.g. 50 yr old use 20-23; 59 yr old use 18-21)
1. Squat jacks or jumping jacks or jumping rope or standing side crunches
2. Skaters with hop or high knees/marching
3. Inchworm with or without pushup
4. Butt kicks
5. Lateral shuffle
Warm up stretches ~2 minutes
Y-T-W - 5 rounds
Cross body - 12 each side & middle
Side stretches - alternating for 20 total
ExercisesPerform in sets w/10-15 sec break between; 1 min cardio between exercisesMore sets = more load. Increase band resistance from previous week IF you feel you aren't work at a medium level effort
1. Squats (band optional)3x12
1 minAlternating straight leg toe touches
2. Shoulder Press w/Band3x12
1 minButt kicks
3. Standing Leg Curl (loop optional)3x12
1 minStanding side crunches
4. Split Row w/Loop or Band3x15 ea side
1 minLateral shuffle
5. Pec Fly w/Band3x15
1 minSquat/jumping jacks; marching
6. Bridges (loop optional)3x15
1 minHigh knees or marching
7. Ab crunch (loop optional)3x20
1 minMt climbers
8. Russian twists (loop optional)3x12 ea side
1 minStanding side crunches
9. Plank shuffle (loop optional)45 sec
Cardio - 7 min
70-80% MHR
1 min per exercise
1. Alternating straight leg toe touches
2. Lateral shuffle
3. Squat/jumping jacks or standing side crunches
4. Butt kicks
5. High knees/marching
6. Mt. climbers
7. Skaters with hop
Cool down stretches
~ 5 min
Standing quad stretch
Standing hamstring stretch
Window sill stretch - lats/upper back
Door jamb stretch - pecs
Standing side stretches

Fitness Assessment - Sat, March 13th

On Saturday, March 13 we will incorporate a fitness assessment into dryland. This is to establish a baseline for your fitness. This information is for you to record and retain. At the end of the dryland season we will conduct it again and you will be able to use the information to assess your progress. You do not have to share this information. 

Download and print the document by clicking here. Bring it and a writing utensil to dryland on Saturday.

You will need to conduct one of the measurements, the Sit-Reach, on your own outside of the call. There are instructions on the sheet.

If you are unable to attend dryland on Saturday, please conduct the assessment on your own. It takes less than 10 minutes. 

How to Do Your Fitness Assessment Exercises

The Fitness Assessment has four segments.  

Shoulder Taps:  Alternating hands to shoulder while maintaining a high plank. How many times can you complete both sides in one minute.

Russian Twists:  Feet flat on floor, hands clasped. Lean back and engage your abs. A count of 1 is touching each wrist to the floor as you rotate. Total time one minute. Goal is to increase the number of rotations in a minute.

Wall Sit:  With your back on the wall slide down to where your lap (thighs) are at a 90 degree angle to the wall and your knees are tracking over your ankles. Push against the wall and maintain that position for a maximum of 1 minute. You should be mimicking sitting in a chair similar to your dining table.

Sit and Reach :  You will do the sit and reach portion on your own.  This link shows you how to sit and move to mark the measurement.  Sit Flexibility Test
This photo shows how I setup for the test so I could complete it without another person. 

I used some paper I could get wet or dirty above and below a line I made with painters tape.   Put your bare feet on the line marked "0". You can use a tape measure or do what I did which is to mark 1/2" increments. Put a glass of water or ketchup next to you to dip your fingers in. This will allow you to mark the farthest spot of your extension. Your measurement is the difference from the baseline to your fingers. This can be positive or negative. You can take this measurement in inches or centimeters, just be consistent. 

Remember these assessment numbers are for you, so you can track your progress as we go forward.  


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