Sunday, March 14, 2021

Vol 44 - Dryland - Week Three

Information in this week's blog

  • Dryland call format 
  • Week 3 expectations and exercises
  • How to increase resistance
  • Tips for form and increased effort


Dryland Call Format

The workout begins at 6:30pm. Please log on at least 5 minutes early. You can log on as early as you like. If the room isn't open yet you will receive a message indicating the host will let you in, which indicates you're at the right place. The call will become live at 6pm. 

Coaches will be on the call at 6:15pm and remain after the workout for 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion.

If you are having trouble accessing the call, please contact VP Lisa O'Malley, at 360-909-1072 or Communications & Technology Coordinator Natalie Gaston at 480-748-7773. If you are unable to opt-out of practice on TeamSnap, contact Practice Coordinator Sandy Moore (503-708-7929). 

Coaches are not be able to respond to inquiries after 6:15pm.

Week 3 Expectations

After 6 dryland sessions you should be familiar with the drill. The first week was a low load week, last week we increased the sets, and this week we are keeping the increased number of sets but are DECREASING the number of reps - except for core work which will have increased reps. 

Therefore, the expectation is that you will INCREASE your resistance (e.g. heavier resistance loop, further stretched straight band) so that you feel the work/fatigue at the reduced rep counts.  

The warm up cardio period is still 10 minutes but with fewer exercises for 75 second durations.

This should feel harder than the past two weeks. Push yourself to work to your highest ability. 

Click here to print out the workout

Cardio - 2x5 minage 30s- 20-25
70-80% MHR40s- 19-24
75 seconds per exercise; repeat
50s- 18-23
1. Squat or jumping jacks, jumping rope or standing side crunches
60s- 17-22
2. Skaters with hop, high knees, toe taps on bench or marching
70s- 16-21
3. Inchworm w/pushup or not, or walking toe touches
80s- 15-19
4. Lateral shuffle, reverse lunges, fast feet or grapevine
Use the lower numbers in the range the older you are in the decade.
Use a 3 pt spread for your 70-80% (e.g. 50 yr old use 20-23; 59 yr old use 18-21)
Warm up stretches ~2 minutes
Y-T-W - 5 rounds
Cross body - 12 each side & middle
Side stretches - alternating for 20 total
ExercisesPerform in sets w/10-15 sec break between; 1 min cardio between exercisesIncrease resistance from last week. Fewer reps with higher resistance = higher load
1. Squats (band optional)3x10
1 minAlternating straight leg toe touches
2. Shoulder Press w/Band3x10
1 minButt kicks
3. Standing Leg Curl (loop optional)3x10
1 minStanding side crunches
4. Split Row w/Loop or Band3x12 ea side
1 minLateral shuffle
5. Pec Fly w/Band3x12
1 minSquat/jumping jacks; marching
6. Bridges (loop optional)3x12
1 minHigh knees or marching
7. Ab crunch (loop optional)3x25
Increase in reps from last week; optional to increase resistance
1 minMt climbers
8. Russian twists (loop optional)3x15 ea side
Increase in reps from last week; optional to increase resistance
1 minStanding side crunches
9. Plank shuffle (loop optional)60 sec
Increase in reps from last week; optional to increase resistance
Cardio - 7 min
70-80% MHR
1 min per exercise
1. Alternating straight leg toe touches
2. Lateral shuffle
3. Squat/jumping jacks or standing side crunches
4. Butt kicks

5. High knees/marching
6. Mt. climbers
7. Skaters with hop
Cool down stretches
~ 5 min
Standing quad stretch
Standing hamstring stretch
Arm across chest - deltoids
Window sill stretch - lats/upper back
Door jamb stretch - pecs
Standing side stretches

How to Increase Resistance

by Coach Pat 

This week we are reducing the number of repititions so we can increase the load (weight) we are using for strengthening.   This is a simple task,  just pick the next darker pink band.   Your bands are labeled from X-Light to X-Heavy.  Conceptually think of each loop increasing by 5lbs as you move up.  For some exercises 5 lbs is a lot of increase.   The good news is you can regulate the increase a little by how  you grab the loop or alot by how much you shorthen your straight band.   

You will make this move up on Monday.  If you haven't been using a band, start with the X-Light.  Where we use a straight band try adding to the tension.  Sitting on your band for shoulder presses? Try kneeling or standing with one foot on the band.  If you have been using a straight band for hip bridges, try a loop.  

On the abs exercises and the plank shuffle (plank walk) the reps and time are increased.  You could do 2 sets on Monday without increased resistance and then add on the last set if you found the increase easy.   On the plank, if Monday you can do the time without stopping,  add a loop on Wednesday.  First loop to the legs, second to the arms.  When you add the loop to your arms use less resistance than on your legs.

The new resistance should be noticeable but you should also be able to complete the reps.  Keep your loops handy and if you cannot complete a set you might dial back for the last set.  Remember form is first. 

Tips for Form and Increased Effort
By Coach Oden

Squats - Prime movers include glutes and quadriceps; synergists include the hamstrings, and stabilizers include the deep abdominal muscles (transverse abdominis). As you can see squats are very important for standing and sitting as show by the muscles used. 

Tip for getting your best squat: practicing in front of a mirror. Watch yourself with a chair behind you as a guide to make sure you are lowering your butt to the chair. If you are doing this correctly your eyes should be forward and your chest should be out. This will eliminate bending over at the hips. When you are more comfortable with your squat take the chair away and practice going just a little deeper if your body allows. A squat should feel like your weight is in your heels and you are lowering yourself with your glutes and quads (i.e. butt and front of your upper leg). Increased effort can be achieved by adding a band below your knees and keeping tension on the band. You could also use your straight band to stand on and apply ample tension to add resistance

Shoulder Press -The supraspinatus and the anterior deltoid are the prime movers at the shoulder joint in a shoulder press. In a shoulder press, the humerus is laterally rotated prior to the press (palms facing forward). This starting position places the anterior deltoid in the best position to pull on the humerus causing abduction. 

Tips for getting your best shoulder press can be watching yourself in a mirror to make sure your shoulder and arm are positioned in a 90% angle. Palms are facing forward as you extend your arms up and press together at the top. A good place to start with the band is to kneel or sit on the band to provide more band to work with. As you progress, change your position to standing with one or both feet placed on the band. This will add more resistance. Choose your position based on effort and form - form always is first!!

Split Row or Lawn Mower Row (single arm) -The main muscle group worked during the single-arm row is the latissimus dorsi (lats). You also engage the entire back, shoulders, and arms (the trapezius, rhomboids, teres major and minor, deltoids, infraspinatus, biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, and even pecs). As you can see the split row just about covers every back muscle. As paddlers, our strength and stability in our back is very important to stave off injury.

Tips for getting your best split row: WATCH THE TUTORIAL. Seriously, watch the tutorial. The split row has many aspects to doing it correctly and avoiding injury. Place yourself in front of a mirror as you watch the tutorial generously demonstrated by Deb Amar. Your body, bar no physical limitations, should mirror hers. There are slight variations to this exercise, but for us we are working on a common goal, strengthening the back muscles safely. Increased effort can be achieved by using a stronger resistance band.

The coaches are all encouraged by the effort everyone has put in. The first step is showing up. Thank you. You are welcome to ask questions about form and we urge you to do so. 


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