Sunday, March 28, 2021

Vol. 46 - Dryland Week Five


Information in this week's blog

  • Dryland call format 
  • Week 5 expectations and workout
  • Fitness vs. training


Dryland Call Format

The workout begins at 6:30pm. Please log on at least 5 minutes early. If the room isn't open yet you will receive a message indicating the host will let you in, which indicates you're at the right place. 

The call will become live at 6:15pm. 

If you are having trouble accessing the call, please contact VP Lisa O'Malley, at 360-909-1072 or Communications & Technology Coordinator Natalie Gaston at 480-748-7773. 

If you are unable to opt-out of practice on TeamSnap, contact Practice Coordinator Sandy Moore at 503-708-7929. 

Week 5 Expectations

We have finished our recovery week where our bodies have adapted, regenerated and are now ready to build again. You are stronger and better conditioned than when we started five weeks ago. 

This week you should be using what feels like medium resistance. Because your conditioning has improved, this should be a bit more resistance than the level of medium resistance you worked with in week two. 

The overall volume for the next two weeks is decreasing but the load (intensity/resistance) is increasing. We'll be doing three sets, but the number of reps is decreasing. We will be taking longer breaks between sets. 

Therefore, select your medium resistance understanding that you won't be doing as many reps and will have longer rest between sets - so the resistance should be higher. You should feel that your last 2-3 reps are the most difficult but you are not at failure - that you COULD still do more if pushed. Consider varying your level of resistance over the course of the week. Make Monday a starting point, increase it on Wednesday, and on Saturday either maintain Wednesday's increased level or drop it down to your Monday starting level. 

Our cardio format is changing. We'll be alternating between two exercises for 90 seconds each repeated three times for nine minutes of work.

Click here to print the workout.

Cardio - 3x3 minage 30s- 20-25
70-80% MHR40s- 19-24
90 seconds per exercise; complete 3x
50s- 18-23
1. Skaters with hop or high knees or marching60s- 17-22
2. Squat or jumping jacks or jumping rope or standing side crunches70s- 16-21
80s- 15-19
Warm up stretches ~2 minutes
Y-T-W - 5 roundsUse the lower numbers in the range the older you are in the decade.
Cross body - 12 each side & middle
Use a 3 pt spread for your 70-80% (e.g. 50 yr old use 20-23; 59 yr old use 18-21)
Side stretches - alternating for 20 total
ExercisesPerform in sets w/10-15 sec break between; 1 min cardio between exercisesWe are building this week. Your resistance level should be enough to feel it in the last 2-3 reps of the set but you could still squeak out a few more if pushed
1. Squats (band optional)3x8
1 minAlternating straight leg toe touches
2. Shoulder Press w/Band3x8
1 minButt kicks
3. Standing Leg Curl (loop optional)3x8
1 minStanding side crunches
4. Split Row w/Loop or Band3x10 ea side
1 minLateral shuffle
5. Pec Fly w/Band3x10
1 minSquat/jumping jacks; marching
6. Bridges (loop optional)3x10
1 minHigh knees or marching
7. Ab crunch (loop optional)3x25
1 minMt climbers
8. Russian twists (loop optional)3x12 ea side
1 minStanding side crunches
9. Plank shuffle (loop optional)75 sec
Cardio - 3x3 min
70-80% MHR
90 seconds per exercise; complete 3x
1. Lateral shuffle or grapevines
2. Mt climbers or high knees or marching
Cool down stretches
~ 5 min
Standing quad stretch
Standing hamstring stretch
Arm across chest - deltoids
Window sill stretch - lats/upper back
Door jamb stretch - pecs
Standing side stretches

Fitness vs. Sport Training

by Coach Anita

While we are certainly getting our sweat on, dryland is different from fitness training. Dryland is sports training. We are working specifically in preparation for performance in our sport. The muscles targeted are what are used in our sport, while fitness training focuses on training all of the body's muscles. By repeating the exercises during the initial six weeks of our training rather than varying exercises for the same muscle, we are focusing on producing a physiological adaptation that will improve performance in our sport. Frequently changing exercises can stave off boredom, but can also illicit muscle soreness which causes a temporary performance loss. Our focus is preparing for on-water training and performance, not overall fitness improvement though that can certainly be a byproduct.


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